I posted new pics from my upcoming classical album on my website, myspace and facebook pages! Hope you enjoy them. I will keep you updated when the new music comes out in the next week or so. Stay tuned! Have a great day! Alfonso
Here is the link to my new Facebook Band Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alfonso-Tellez-Jr/120401991347004?ref=sgm Make sure to like my page when you get a chance! I also have new pictures posted up and will have more new ones in the next week or so for my upcoming new classical album! Lots of new stuff! I'll keep everyone posted on the new pics and new music! Have a great day everyone! Alfonso Hey,
Wanted to give you a heads up that my Classical Music EP titled “Accelerando” is now available through CDBaby and iTunes. This EP features three of my classical music tracks including the award winning song “Burning Passion in D”. I named this EP “Accelerando” because in the classical world or ‘notation’ world…it means to ‘gradually quicken tempo’ and I really felt like it was defining me as I take on these new projects coming up and me as a composer/songwriter. I’ve got a hold on what I want in life and I’m not ever letting go…I’m just going to keep going and going until I reach that “promised land” I’ve been fighting for! Hope everyone has been doing great! I’ve been keeping busy while also having fun! Keep in touch for more and more music! Alfonso http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/alfonsotellezjr4 |
"Music Drives Me, Music Pulls Me, Music Talks To Me. Every Bit of Concentration is What Sets Me Free" Archives
March 2014
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