Forgotten"Suddenly your world is turned upside down...
Waiting patiently for the moment to be found... Time passes by as if you were the only one watching... Minutes and seconds pass...steadily walking... How is it that the days you long for attention... Not even a look, whisper...or even a mention... For if sadness and loneliness are feelings of the forgotten... I will stand my ground...look to the skies and be one of the forgotten." - Alfonso Tellez Jr |
Peaceful Seclusion"I once forgot what it was like to hear my own hear my own heartbeat...
Almost as if I had forgotten to walk with my own two feet... Running in circles as if I was trying so hard to get the attention of anyone who would listen to what I had to say... To meet me halfway and tell me everything would be okay... Days would pass where I had no idea what to feel... Everything was upside down, everything felt surreal... But then I realized that if I simply kept my head up...fought for something that was greater than myself... This seclusion of mine that I wanted to be peaceful, would unfold itself, show me its true meaning, and shower me with knowledge and experience...its true wealth." - Alfonso Tellez Jr |
Standing Still"I never quite understood why everyone was always in such a hurry...
Why everyone felt the need to constantly make life so blurry... Is it in our nature to walk past the very things that make life go round'? or are we afraid if we stand still for too long, we won't be found? Life is too short where there is no reason to look beyond the hill... Life is a treasure, a constant adventure, look beyond the hill, never stand still." - Alfonso Tellez Jr |
misunderstood"I live in a world where I've never been good at any one thing...
come to think of it...i don't remember why i was pushed along so much without really learning anything... I've never been part of one group here or there... I've never been part of anything where i could sit and compare... I've fought for love... broke pieces of my heart for love.... and for what? searching for something that I've never heard of? in all times i've tried to be someone I wasn't... tried to be something i never was or ever will be... I'm just me, living my life, as best as i can... running freely, seeing my path unfold, living my plan... I'm at no fault when I know i tried and did the best i could... life has a strange way of speaking to us...whispering to us...your simply misunderstood." - Alfonso Tellez Jr |